Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
–Shams Khan Apparently, the social combination of BJP-JDU-LJP is stronger than the opposition which is yet to take a concrete shape. No doubt RJD and Congress are most likely to team up at the moment while nothing can be said…
–Soroor Ahmed The issue of neglect of Muslims as such, especially the backward Muslims by secular parties arises every time elections are due. As Assembly poll is to take place in Bihar in coming October-November, and Rajya Sabha and Legislative…
— By TheNewsWeb Special Correspondent The removal of Munger head of Lok Janshakti Party, Rajendra Bharti by the party chief Chirag Paswan after his statement that the NDA is ‘atoot’(unbreakable), points to the deeper problem in the ruling alliance of…
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124